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A Letter To The Women
Blog Posts Jenny Dobson Blog Posts Jenny Dobson

A Letter To The Women

All the best women I know are single.

They're smart, caring, strong, bold, beautiful, funny, successful, and alone. It's not for lack of trying- they have spent buckets of money and even more time working to be the best possible version of themselves and the best possible partner they can be. These women are better men than the men I know. And the only thing they're doing wrong is that they're doing everything right.

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How To Use A Toxic Relationship As Fuel
Blog Posts Jenny Dobson Blog Posts Jenny Dobson

How To Use A Toxic Relationship As Fuel

Finding my way through the fog of a toxic relationship was like realizing I was in love with a ghost. He wore the mask of a person he could have been, but that person died a long time ago. Mourning the death of someone who is still alive is an anguish that comes for your bones.

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