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Secret Weapons For Wounded Healers
Blog Posts Jenny Dobson Blog Posts Jenny Dobson

Secret Weapons For Wounded Healers

In my blog post, How To Be A Shaman, I mentioned that Shamans know how to work with all different kinds of people. Those who think with their heart, their gut, or their head.

The question has been stirring in me since; how do you work with people who think differently from you?

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8 Magical Ways to Remember Who You Are
Blog Posts Jenny Dobson Blog Posts Jenny Dobson

8 Magical Ways to Remember Who You Are

If you’ve been following me already, you know I’m a huge fan of MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator), which is an assessment that identifies your personality type out of 16 different possibilities.

Some people are really resistant to these labels, and I can understand not wanting to be put in a box. But personally, I have found MBTI to be extremely helpful in reclaiming my identity.

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The INF Directory
Blog Posts Jenny Dobson Blog Posts Jenny Dobson

The INF Directory

For most of my life, I’ve felt like an alien. That all changed when I started meeting other empathic, highly sensitive people. Interestingly, most of those people are INFJ and INFP personality types. Now, I still feel like an alien, but I have other aliens to talk to who actually understand me.

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