Welcome to my content library. If you’re looking for blog articles, published videos, or podcast episodes, you can find them all here.
Plugging Energy Leaks: How to Reclaim Your Power and Focus as an Empath
Are energy leaks leaving you drained and exhausted? This blog post explores the common ways empaths and highly sensitive people lose energy—like social media, self-doubt, and overgiving—and how to reclaim your power. Discover practical tips to set boundaries, refocus your energy, and thrive on your own terms.
How Empaths Find Success
This post is for empaths who are tired of shrinking to keep the peace. We’re talking about reclaiming your power, owning your gifts, and thriving on your own terms. Read the post or watch the video—it’s time to stop surviving and start taking up space.
Why INFJs Don’t Want Kids
Why INFJs Don’t Want Kids
How INFJs Find Their Dream Job
How INFJs Find their Dream Job
How Narcissists Hijack Empaths
Why INFJs Attract Narcissists: New episode on Youtube and Anchor
Why INFJs Need To Travel
Why INFJs Need To Travel
Podcast Interview With Jordan Leigh
Podcast Interview With Jordan Leigh on Something Worth Saying
Why INFJs Don’t Heal (And How They Can)
Why INFJs Don’t Heal (And How They Can): New episode on Youtube and Anchor
Why INFJs Attract Narcissists
Why INFJs Attract Narcissists: New episode on Youtube and Anchor
Everything Wrong With INFJs
Everything Wrong With INFJs: New episode on Youtube and Anchor
Why No One Listens To INFJs
Why No One Listens To INFJs: New episode on Youtube and Anchor
How To Have Better Relationships
How To Have Better Relationships: New episode on Youtube and Anchor
How To Heal Alone And Free
How To Heal Alone And Free: New episode on Youtube and Anchor
Why INFJs Have No Money
Why INFJs Have No Money: New episode on Youtube and Anchor
Why Dating Sucks for INFJs
Why dating sucks for INFJs: New episode on Youtube and Anchor