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The Misfit’s Guide To Manifesting
Blog Posts Jenny Dobson Blog Posts Jenny Dobson

The Misfit’s Guide To Manifesting

There’s a manifestation technique where you practice thinking, feeling, and believing that you already have the things you want in the present tense. Maybe you’ve tried it. Maybe you’ve tried saying affirmations to yourself. Maybe you’ve prayed your heart out to the universe and in spite of all the visualizing and the praying and the begging with every ounce of desire that you have… nothing happens.

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The 4-Hour Workweek for Empaths
Blog Posts Jenny Dobson Blog Posts Jenny Dobson

The 4-Hour Workweek for Empaths

I’ve been a fan of the 4-hour workweek (4hww) by Tim Ferriss for a long time. I think that the 4hww is ideal for empaths. Because we are more sensitive than average people, we need a lot more recovery time, and a lot more work-life balance. We need to really cater our lifestyles around having a healthy nervous system. So the less time we work, the more time we can spend on self-care. I don't think a normal work schedule is conducive to the balance we need at all, and I think it’s time for a change. Humans weren’t designed to work 8 hours a day, and that affects us more than anyone.

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How To Live A Little Wilder
Blog Posts Jenny Dobson Blog Posts Jenny Dobson

How To Live A Little Wilder

When I was studying for an animal behavior degree in college, I learned that the healthiest ecosystems on the planet are the ones with the most biodiversity. Scientists have also found that living in biodiverse environments increases our life satisfaction just as much as an increase in income. And while mindset and genetics are responsible for large percentages of our overall happiness, not much focus is placed on environmental factors. I think that’s because we assume the environment is out of our control, but what if it isn’t?

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