14 Home Essentials For Every INFJ

To be honest, INFJs are one of the least materialistic personalities out there. We don’t really care about fancy clothes or expensive cars and we don’t really care to hear about them either. But one thing INFJs do deeply care about is vibes, and I’ve found a lot of joy in cultivating spaces that feel creative, restorative, and peaceful. With that in mind, there are a few products that I have found to be life-enhancing.

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  1. A Nice Mattress: For Pain Relief and a Good Night Sleep

INFJs are highly sensitive people, which means everything affects us more. One night of shitty sleep derails us a lot easier than most people. INFJs also tend to suffer from chronic pain and permanently tweaked backs from carrying around everyone else’s emotional baggage all day. On the plus side, small, positive changes also affect us more too. One small change that made a huge difference in my life was a new mattress. I went with a Nectar mattress and my sleep and my back pain got way better. I wish I had bought one sooner.

Bonus: If you want to know how much sleep you’re actually getting and you can afford to splurge, check out the Oura smart ring. It’s designed to track your fitness, stress, sleep, and overall health and focuses on providing insights to help you improve your well-being.


2. An Electric Kettle: For a Quiet Fucking Morning

My mornings are sacred and I personally need to start of my day slow, calm and peaceful or I’m a raging grump the rest of the day. My morning routine usually always includes tea or coffee, and this electric kettle was a perfect replacement over for the screaming, stove-top version. This better option means I can brew tea in silence and without worrying about leaving the stove on.

Bonus: Don’t forget the perfect mug to go with it.


3. Noise-Cancelling Headphones: To Escape the Outer World

INFJs are prone to sensory overload and we can be very sensitive to sounds, especially when we are trying to focus on our thoughts of existential dread or deep creative work. Noise-cancelling headphones have been a game-changer for me. They drown out all those grating background noises like droning lawnmowers, my boyfriend’s video game battles, and screaming children on airplanes.


4. Anything Automated: Because Adulting is Hard Enough

INFJs are brilliant creative strategists who spend a lot of time in our heads, but we also tend to struggle with executive functioning problems (otherwise known as getting things done). Anything that can remove mundane daily tasks of the physical realm and preserve our energy for predicting the fate of humanity is a godsend. Give us all the self-cleaning litterboxes, pre-made vitamin packs, or a Roomba to take care of the vacuuming, and anything else that can streamline our daily routines.

Bonus: Some more suggestions from my fellow INFJs include:


5. A Journal: To Say What We Actually Think

If INFJs were honest they would just be roasting everyone, but people like us never say what we actually think because we’re afraid of hurting people’s feelings. Sometimes this goes on so long that we don’t even know what we think anymore. Journaling is a great way to unleash our inner monologue, without worrying about the affect on others. My favorite journals include moleskines and good old-fashioned composition books.

Bonus: Don’t forget about a good pen. Micron, Pilot G7 and Stafford Uniball are good options for fade-proof, water-proof ink.


6. Greenery: To Calm Our Frazzled Nerves

They’re the perfect companions for a soothing environment. Surrounding ourselves with plants can reduce stress, improve air quality, and create a peaceful atmosphere where we can recharge our emotional batteries. And the best part? Plants don’t talk. Houseplants have become a sort of addiction for me, especially in the winter months. My favorite plant is probably my Monstera Albo. Check Etsy or Ebay if you’re trying to track one down.


7. A Pet: So We Can Form a Secure Attachment to Something

INFJs are notoriously lonely. Unlike most people, pets provide unconditional love and a sense of security, making them ideal companions for INFJs. Having a pet can be incredibly comforting and help alleviate the feelings of isolation we often experience. I recommend adopting a pet from your local animal shelter, but if you have your heart set on a specific age or breed, just use Petfinder to search for rescue animals that match what you’re looking for. Personally, I prefer to go into the shelter and see what pet chooses me.


8. A Comfy Place To Sit: Because We’re Tired, Damnit

We’re harrowed, tired old souls, and we need a cozy spot to rest our weary bodies. Whether it’s a hammock, a husband pillow, a beanbag, or a papasan chair, having a comfortable place to relax is essential. This is your corner of the world to recharge, curl up with a good book, or simply zone out and contemplate the universe. 


8. A Door With A Lock: So We Can Just Exist

No one understands how much alone time we need. Like vast swaths of time. School, jobs, and families are major intrusions which compete with this very real need. A lock on the door is a sacred boundary. It signifies "Do Not Disturb" during those moments when we need to retreat into our inner world, recharge, and avoid the dreaded social battery drain. I for one love a good skeleton key lock.


9. Good Lighting: Because We Actually Belong Outside

Artificial lighting is the worst. We need good, warm, full-spectrum lighting to create a more natural environment that mimics sunlight. Blue-blocking lights are also essential for those late-night reading sessions. Think CRI (Color Rendering Index) of 100 for vibrant color accuracy and a warm kelvin temperature around 2700K for a cozy vibe. Even better; opt for natural light, the warm glow of a good candle, or a mesmerizing outdoor campfire.


10. A Favorite Book: Because We Love A Good Story

For intellectual and emotional nourishment, a good book can transport us to another world, giving our overactive minds a much-needed break.

Bonus: Try an Audible audiobook or Kindle ebook for reads that travel easily and take up zero space.


11. A Cozy Sweatshirt or Blanket: To Help Us Relax

INFJS will always opt for comfort over fashion. A cozy sweatshirt or blanket can provide the warmth and security we crave. Wrapping ourselves in something soft and comforting can make a world of difference, especially after a long, emotionally taxing day.


12. Speakers: Because Music Makes Us Feel Alive

Music has a unique way of reaching our souls and providing solace, or helping us move from one emotional state to another. Good speakers let us create a sonic sanctuary, lose ourselves in the rhythm, and process emotions in a way words sometimes can't. I love the nostalgia of this Crosley bluetooth speaker that doubles as a record player.


13. Art: To Nourish The Soul

Even though we’re not materialistic, we do appreciate beauty. Surrounding ourselves with beautiful artwork feeds and nourishes our creativity and brings joy to our lives. Whether it’s paintings, sculptures, or photography, having art in our environment can enhance our emotional and mental well-being.


14. Witchy Shit: To Commune With Friends Beyond the Veil

Forget everything you think you know about witchcraft! It's not about devil worship or dark magic. Witches don't even believe in Satan; that's more of a Christian concept. For INFJs, witchy shit is just a personal way to connect with nature and intuition.

Tarot cards, for example, are simply tools that help us tap into our subconscious minds. Pendulums serve to help us discern "yes" or "no" from within our bodies. Incense is simply a means to clear and purify the air. My absolute favorite incense is this sample pack from Incienso de Santa Fe. Each scent is made from wood shavings and they all smell just like a campfire.


Remember, your ideal space is a reflection of your unique personality. Experiment and personalize these suggestions to cultivate a haven that sparks joy and supports your well-being.

Additional Resources:

Jenny Dobson

Jenny Dobson is a life coach who offers private sessions, group support, and self-paced courses for people who are lost or struggling with anxiety, creativity, toxic relationships and more. She combines her knowledge of shamanism, modern psychlogy and the nervous system to help clients live in deeper alignment with their true selves. Find out more about here services here.


Why INFJs Don’t Want Kids